Friday, September 14, 2012

My Heart Today

Well Portlin went to the doctor Tuesday and Dr. Campbell says we weren't putting enough oatmeal in his bottle. I'm not sure where we went wrong but apparently Mrs. Betty's recommendations weren't exactly accurate! We've made the changes and it seems to be working. I think this too is just a temporary fix until his body decides it's done with that solution but I hope I'm wrong!  He seems to be doing well, and we've recently discovered he loves watching cartoons in the morning.

On a different note, my heart is both overjoyed and saddened all at the same time today. A good friend gave birth to her son today. Seeing her picture and the joy on her face reminds me of how special having a child really is.  Another friend posted on her blog that she and her husband were not chosen, again, as adoptive parents. My heart just breaks for her because I know how badly she wants children and I know the feeling of disappointment she has. When I read things like that it makes me want to reach out to all the women in the world who have difficulties getting pregnant or who are dealing with the adoption process. I know it can be so heart breaking! I want to be that success story that gives them hope and makes them understand that our God is an awesome God. We are on his timeline and he knows what's best and one day those women will see the whole picture just as I have. Help me pray for those special people who are struggling right now with infertility and disappointment. Pray they receive peace and understanding through faith in our Lord.

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